

I'm writing this as I drive through the awesome rock formations that wave to us as we wind through Arizona, reveling in the reds and oranges that paint them. It's funny to think only 4 hours ago, Bri and I were sitting in the Las Vegas police station filing a report on luggage + camping supplies that were stolen from the roof of our car — cut straps, dusty footprints and all. Last night was the complete opposite of what you'd think a Vegas night to be. Happily snuggled up in bed, a hot toddy on the bedside, battling a sore throat and blistered lower lip (lovely side effect of Chronic Fatigue) as Family Guy played in the background. This, among other things, has made me think of duality and how present it is in every moment. A heart that wants to explore with my best friend AND a body that needs to rest. An epic adventure AND disappointment and self-doubt. The truth is, no given moment is ever without an opposite or deviated version of itself — and that's the magic in living.

I find myself replacing "but" with "and" lately because the truth is, more than one feeling, thought and experience inhabit my body at once. Some water succulents on the windowsill behind the sink. Others focus on a flickering flame and dream the night away. All I know is there's a place for them all and I wouldn't want it any other way. Here's to day 1. Day 2, let's do this.

// ps: we're safe and together and stuff is stuff. We're lucky and privileged to be able to buy new camping gear so we can continue the adventure the way we planned, so happy and grateful faces and hearts over here.


a childhood home.


harmonicas and stew.